NOVAJOIA started in 2006, coordinated by Mirla Fernandes, it aimed to inform the general audience about Art Jewellery in Brazil and abroad, promoting interchanges through exhibitions, workshops and lectures.
O projeto NOVAJOIA criado em 2006, e coordenado por Mirla Fernandes , visava informar e divulgar a Arte Joalheria no Brasil e fora, além de promover o intercâmbio de ideias através de exposições, cursos e palestras.
Heterogeneidade do Rio de la Plata
Vai a Buenos Aires? Então, aproveita:
Francisca Kweitel nos avisa que a partir de 10 de Junho Tiendamalba em Buenos Aires, abre uma exposição de joalheria contemporânea selecionada pela Metalisteria (dessas duas argentinas joalheiras que conhecemos durante o Simpósio Gray Area em Abril deste ano, a propria Francisca Kweitel e tambem Marina Molinelli Wells).
A seleção mostra peças discutindo identidade a partir da heterogeneidade de seu pais. Essa mesma exposição tambem aconteceu durante o Simposio no Mexico.
Vale lembrar que durante o mesmo Simposio, Kweitel apresentou uma palestra junto a Estela Saez Vilanova, um desdobramento da belissima exposição que as duas tiveram juntas, "EncuentrosDesencuentros". Veja algumas fotos cedidas gentilmente por Ketli Tiitsar:
Tiendamalba presents a selection of contemporary jewellery by Metalsteria, an on-line gallery created by Francisca Kweitel and Marina Molinelli Wells. The jewellery pieces of these ten Argentine jewellers working with their own identity from the heterogeneity of our country, will be on exhibition and for sale
Images by: Ketli Tiitsar
Joalheiras/ Jewellers
Francisca Kweitel, Marina Molinelli Wells , Cecilia Afonso Esteves, Cecilia Richard, Guigui Kohon, Marina Massone, Rita Bamidele Hampton, Silvina Romero, Soledad Kussrow, Tota Reciclados.
Luxo, construindo preciosidades
Abertas as inscrições para o módulo "LUXO, Construindo preciosidades" dentro do programa NOVAJOIA de workshop nacionais.
O workshop dura um fim-de-semana e será dado por Ana Paula de Campos e Renata Porto.
Turma de no máximo 10 pessoas.
Nossa amiga e artista joalheira Thelma Aviani, nos manda essa notícia:
La Asociación de Creadores Textiles de Madrid organizó en el año 2004 Suave... una aproximación a la joyería desde el textil en la que tomaron parte 26 participantes provenientes de 10 países. La exposición se inauguró en Madrid y en el 2005 viajó a Barcelona, dentro del programa de Iberiona.
La ACTM y el Centro de Artesanía y Diseño de Lugo convocan Suave...2, una investigación textil sobre los complementos de la moda en la que pueden participar complementos de moda en general: sombreros, bolsos, bufandas, calzado, joyería, paraguas, chales, abanicos, corbatas...Con la exclusión de prendas de vestir, todo lo que pueda llevarse puesto y tenga relación con el textil por los materiales y/o técnicas utilizadas o por aspectos conceptuales tienen cabida en esta segunda edición.
Los objetivos son los mismos que en la primera edición: promocionar la innovación en los oficios textiles, proporcionar ejemplos de creatividad, inspiración y buen diseño y favorecer la internacionalización de los talleres artesanos. Este año, los organizadores se han puesto como meta aumentar la participación dentro del estado español.
Suave...2 mantendrá la convocatoria de un jurado internacional que seleccionará las obras vía Internet. Mantiene también su vocación itinerante ya que se espera que la exposición, que se inaugurará en el Centro de Artesanía y Diseño de Lugo donde podrá verse del 26 de octubre al 7 de diciembre de 2006, pueda verse en otras ciudades. Como novedad se editará un catálogo en color en gallego, castellano e inglés.
Las bases de participación pueden solicitarse a la Asociación de Creadores Textiles de Madrid, Apartado 14.060. 28080 Madrid, tel. 91 8010907, El plazo de envío de solicitudes finaliza el 30 de julio.
Los organizadores agradecerán la difusión de esta convocatoria.
La Asociación de Creadores Textiles de Madrid organizó en el año 2004 Suave... una aproximación a la joyería desde el textil en la que tomaron parte 26 participantes provenientes de 10 países. La exposición se inauguró en Madrid y en el 2005 viajó a Barcelona, dentro del programa de Iberiona.
La ACTM y el Centro de Artesanía y Diseño de Lugo convocan Suave...2, una investigación textil sobre los complementos de la moda en la que pueden participar complementos de moda en general: sombreros, bolsos, bufandas, calzado, joyería, paraguas, chales, abanicos, corbatas...Con la exclusión de prendas de vestir, todo lo que pueda llevarse puesto y tenga relación con el textil por los materiales y/o técnicas utilizadas o por aspectos conceptuales tienen cabida en esta segunda edición.
Los objetivos son los mismos que en la primera edición: promocionar la innovación en los oficios textiles, proporcionar ejemplos de creatividad, inspiración y buen diseño y favorecer la internacionalización de los talleres artesanos. Este año, los organizadores se han puesto como meta aumentar la participación dentro del estado español.
Suave...2 mantendrá la convocatoria de un jurado internacional que seleccionará las obras vía Internet. Mantiene también su vocación itinerante ya que se espera que la exposición, que se inaugurará en el Centro de Artesanía y Diseño de Lugo donde podrá verse del 26 de octubre al 7 de diciembre de 2006, pueda verse en otras ciudades. Como novedad se editará un catálogo en color en gallego, castellano e inglés.
Las bases de participación pueden solicitarse a la Asociación de Creadores Textiles de Madrid, Apartado 14.060. 28080 Madrid, tel. 91 8010907, El plazo de envío de solicitudes finaliza el 30 de julio.
Los organizadores agradecerán la difusión de esta convocatoria.
Exposição de Lisa Walker
A premiada deste ano pela Fundação Françoise van den Bosch, Lisa Walker inaugurou uma exposição na Masterworks Gallery, em Ausckland, Nova Zelandia. Veja as imagens:
Lisa Walker, awarded by François van den Bosch Foundation this year has just opened an exhibition on Masterworks Gallery, in Auckland, New Zealand. Check out some images:
Lisa Walker, awarded by François van den Bosch Foundation this year has just opened an exhibition on Masterworks Gallery, in Auckland, New Zealand. Check out some images:
Sobre o Gray Area
Publicamos aqui parte do texto que Valeria Vallarta da Otro Diseño enviou a todos os participantes do Simposio Gray Area
We publish here extract of the text that Valeria Vallarta, from Otro Diseño has sent to all Gray Area participants.
Dear Participants of Gray Area Mexico 2010,
A month has passed since the Gray Area symposium started in Mexico City. All the foreign organizers, volunteers and participants are finally back at home and reincorporating to our regular activities of the Otro Diseno Foundation. Gray Area's success has surpassed all our expectations, but the following months is hard work for our Foundation, as we must process all the information gathered at the symposium and start concreting all the ideas and proposals that raised during our encounter.
(...)The Walking the Gray Area Symposium Mexico 2010 represented the first attempt to put in contact makers, collectionists, advocates, enthusiasts and researchers of contemporary jewellery to meet and lean about each other. The symposium took place at the auditorium of the wonderful historical building of the Biblioteca de Mexico, in Mexico City from April 12th to 16th 2010. It counted with the participation of 241 attendees and 43 lecturers from 41 countries from all the continents of the globe, with a strong presence of Latin America and Europe. It was composed by a total of 24 lectures, 5 round tables and one working session. The symposium served as the frame of 13 exhibitions, taking place at various galleries, institutions and public spaces in Mexico City that presented the work of over 100 artists from 39 countries.
(...)Few things could have been more important for the team of the Otro Diseno Foundation than having seen so many people happy, having a good time and enjoying of the exchange and the creative momentum. In that aspect we could say that Gray Area objectives have been fully covered. Furthermore, a great number of ideas, proposals and concrete projects have arisen from the encounter. This means much future work for our Foundation and a larger commitment from you, the interested parties.
We are currently evaluating the event and all the information that we gather during that week in Mexico. We are also discussing several proposals with the many parties involved. It will still take us several weeks to process all the information and deliver it to you trough a renovated Gray Area website. Please, be on the watch for its launching.
(...)We wish to thank you all for having been part of Gray Area Mexico 2010 and we hope that we will have the opportunity to meet again... somewhere!
Warm greetings,
Valeria Vallarta Siemelink & Carolina Rojo
Otro Diseno Foundation for Cultural Cooperation and Development
The Netherlands
We publish here extract of the text that Valeria Vallarta, from Otro Diseño has sent to all Gray Area participants.
Dear Participants of Gray Area Mexico 2010,
A month has passed since the Gray Area symposium started in Mexico City. All the foreign organizers, volunteers and participants are finally back at home and reincorporating to our regular activities of the Otro Diseno Foundation. Gray Area's success has surpassed all our expectations, but the following months is hard work for our Foundation, as we must process all the information gathered at the symposium and start concreting all the ideas and proposals that raised during our encounter.
(...)The Walking the Gray Area Symposium Mexico 2010 represented the first attempt to put in contact makers, collectionists, advocates, enthusiasts and researchers of contemporary jewellery to meet and lean about each other. The symposium took place at the auditorium of the wonderful historical building of the Biblioteca de Mexico, in Mexico City from April 12th to 16th 2010. It counted with the participation of 241 attendees and 43 lecturers from 41 countries from all the continents of the globe, with a strong presence of Latin America and Europe. It was composed by a total of 24 lectures, 5 round tables and one working session. The symposium served as the frame of 13 exhibitions, taking place at various galleries, institutions and public spaces in Mexico City that presented the work of over 100 artists from 39 countries.
(...)Few things could have been more important for the team of the Otro Diseno Foundation than having seen so many people happy, having a good time and enjoying of the exchange and the creative momentum. In that aspect we could say that Gray Area objectives have been fully covered. Furthermore, a great number of ideas, proposals and concrete projects have arisen from the encounter. This means much future work for our Foundation and a larger commitment from you, the interested parties.
We are currently evaluating the event and all the information that we gather during that week in Mexico. We are also discussing several proposals with the many parties involved. It will still take us several weeks to process all the information and deliver it to you trough a renovated Gray Area website. Please, be on the watch for its launching.
(...)We wish to thank you all for having been part of Gray Area Mexico 2010 and we hope that we will have the opportunity to meet again... somewhere!
Warm greetings,
Valeria Vallarta Siemelink & Carolina Rojo
Otro Diseno Foundation for Cultural Cooperation and Development
The Netherlands
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