
Walking the gray area: Nova Joia will be there!

Walking the Gray Area é um blog onde  40 artistas/joalheiros da America Latina e Europa mantem um diálogo sobre mobilidade global, identidade e joalheria contemporânea. Este diálogo resultará em um exposição durante o simposio Gray Area na cidade do Mexico City em Abril deste ano.
NOVA JOIA estara participando deste simposio e exposição e  postaremos no blog o dia-a-dia. Acompanhe!!

Walking the Gray Area is a blog where 40 artists and jewellery makers from Latin American and Europe carry out a dialogue about global mobility, identities and contemporary jewellery. The dialogue will result in an exhibition to be presented during the Gray Area symposium in Mexico City, April 2010.

NOVA JOIA will be participating in this symposium and exhibition and going to Mexico in April. We will be posting daily in the blog what will happen then. Catch up with us to know what is going on!

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