
Exposição Virtual: Chain

Está no ar a exposição virtual Chain, idealizada por Marina Sheetikoff. Confira no link as propostas de brasileiros e artistas de diversos países.
A exposição será replicada em São Paulo, no museu A CASA, Museu do Objeto Brasileiro em 2013. Sobre o projeto, Sheetikoff explica:
"My initial desire would be to mount a single stream from all the work that once assembled would be kept as a final project, in  that case the chain should be donated or sold to the project, which seemed a bit complicated.
Thinking a great deal about this, I am coming  to conclusion that it would be more important to create a linear representation of the chain, even  without interfering with material links, just displaying  the  works side by side, thereby complying with all the different contributions of artists."

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