AA2A at University of Lincoln
As part of the national Artists Access to Art Colleges scheme we will be offering four placements to artists and designer-makers, giving them the opportunity to undertake a period of research or realize a project using our workshop and supporting facilities.
Its facilities, lending library, lecture programe.
AA2A schemes aim to benefit students and institutions through their interaction with practicing artists.
For an application pack please contact us directly:
Facilities available - printmaking, jewellery, video, animation, digital media, photography, painting, illustration, drawing
Closing date for applications is 10th September 2012
For general information on what you will need to apply and eligibility see:
Access is free, for at least 100 hours, between October 2012 and April 2013
A materials/travel grant of up to £220 is available
Applicants must have at least one years professional practice and should be able to work with minimal technical support
Artists on AA2A schemes run from 2009 to 2010 or before can reapply
AA2A particularly welcomes applications from applicants with disabilities, from culturally diverse backgrounds and non-graduates

NOVAJOIA started in 2006, coordinated by Mirla Fernandes, it aimed to inform the general audience about Art Jewellery in Brazil and abroad, promoting interchanges through exhibitions, workshops and lectures.
O projeto NOVAJOIA criado em 2006, e coordenado por Mirla Fernandes , visava informar e divulgar a Arte Joalheria no Brasil e fora, além de promover o intercâmbio de ideias através de exposições, cursos e palestras.
Workshop no Rio de Janeiro
A Casa Itanhangá em parceria com a PIN - Associação Portuguesa de Joalheria Contemporânea, recebe duas artistas portuguesas, Cristina Ataíde e Susana Anágua nos dias 08 e 22 de agosto respectivamente, para realizar dois workshops.
Cada workshop é individual porém são complementares. Para isso é preciso apenas que você faça a inscrição seguindo as instruções do flyer informando que é AMIGO DA CASA ITANHANGÁ.
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