
Cidade Fronteiriça: Tallinn - Lisboa

Inaugura-se em 16 de Fevereiro, a exposição "Cidade Fronteiriça: Tallinn - Lisboa", no Instituto Camões, em Lisboa. 

No âmbito da exposição o Departamento de Joalharia da Ar.Co promove uma palestra dia 17 de Fevereiro, no Salão da Ar.Co, pelas 18h com  Kadri Maelk e  Tanel Veenre, artistas estonianos participantes na exposição.


Residencia artistica na Finlandia

Thelma Aviani recomenda: "Estive lá em 2007 e fiquei encantada com a acolhida. Inicialmente eles tiveram uma inclinação para a lapidação, e têm estrutura pra isso, mas hoje em dia rola de tudo e a comunidade é amável e focada."

Leia abaixo sobre o programa de residência artistica finlandês:
Finnish Jewellery Art Association is planning to extend its activity by organizing Artist in Residence program at Rantapaja in Lappeenranta Finland.

Finnish Jewellery Art Association was founded in Lappeenranta Finland in 2005. The association aims to promote contemporary jewellery in Finland and to improve its recognition as an art and design form. Another goal of the association is to increase awareness about Finnish jewellery internationally. As means towards those ends, the association organizes exhibitions, presentations and discussion panels, and distributes information about events.

Lappeenranta is small city locating in southeast Finland near the border of Russia. The distance from Lappeenranta to Finnish capital Helsinki is 230 km, which is about the same than the distance to St. Petersburg, Russia. Lappeenranta offers good transport connections including airport, train and buses.

Rantapaja is a workshop for (jewellery) artist, the building is locating in historical fortress area in Lappeenranta harbour. It is calm and beautiful place surrounded by nature and next to the lake Saimaa, the biggest lake in Finland. The area is known for craft and art. People working in the area are forming tight and inspiring artist community. A call for Rantapaja residence is open for artists in all fields of art and craft.

We are offering working space including goldsmith table and possibility to use all the machines in the workshop. Artist brings her/his own hand tools and materials. Rantapaja residence does not include accommodation.

Our special knowledge is stonecutting and we will offer you possibility to get introduction how to work with stone and use all the machines. We have wide selection of stonecutting machines, for example stone saw, grinding wheels-, carving-, drilling- and facegrinding machines. These machines can also be used for glass and other similar materials. You can also work with metal and other materials. We are providing soldering tools, roller, draw bench, drilling-, and polishing machine.

Infos with Tarja Tuupanen


Cursos na FAAP 2012

postado por Mirla Fernandes

Este ano, ofereço mais 2 cursos na FAAP : "Um outro colar de pérolas" e "A aliança revisitada".
O conceito dos cursos segue a linha iniciada ano passado de propor aos alunos  voltarem-se às tipologias clássicas da joalheria para repensá-las criticamente, tendo assim uma introdução teórica sobre a arte-joalheria contemporânea internacional e posterior acompanhamento do desenvolvimento do trabalho pessoal.
As inscrições estão abertas.